Liquid Glass #480 Clean & Refresh is a neutral pH cleaner-restorer specifically designed to work with Liquid Glass Ceramic Tie Protector, Vinyl and Rubber Protector and Stone and Concrete Protector micron coatings.
Liquid Glass #480 Clean & Refresh will clean and renew the luster of micron coatings to maximize the coatings’ value and long-term benefits. The proprietary formula actually cleans and then restores the surface condition by depositing micro droplets of rebuilding blocks onto the coated surface.
These building blocks enhance the coated surface condition; improve burnishing effectiveness and decrease recoating frequency.
Liquid Glass #480 Clean & Refresh works best if used once every 20-30 cleanings with an autoscrubber. Floors periodically cleaned with Liquid Glass: Refresh and Restore will stay cleaner, clearer, longer.
Dilution Rate: Light Deposits/Daily Auto Scrub Cleaning 10 oz to 1 gallon of water
There is a 5% discount if a case is purchased